Bitcoin Interest Price & Charts

Bitcoin Interest News

What Is Bitcoin Interest ?

Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) is a blockchain staking platform focuses on three main areas: Community, Technology and Savings. Bitcoin Interest’ blockchain enables users to save coins in its integrated saving technology while earning interest.

The team reward their users via what they termed “Enhanced Proof of Work” adopting the Equihash algorithm technique”. According to them, this way, they figured out, will help them generate interest payments.

Anytime a miner solves a computational puzzle, and a block is added to Bitcoin Interest network, a reward of 12.5 BCI coins is given, and that same block generates an additional 1BCI to be sent to the interest pool. The additional 1 BCI is what is shared to the active users in the pool on a weekly or monthly basis depending on the users’ selection plan.

Users get rewarded for creating liquidity in the market by saving their coins while miners are rewarded for network stability. Everyone in the community is a winner.

Unlike other interest payment platforms which request the sending of coins to their wallet, Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) allows you to hold your coins in your wallet while you continue to earn interest. Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) will never ask you to send your coins to anywhere; our platform is decentralized.

Bitcoin Interest (BCI) coins are available in major cryptocurrency exchanges like Bitfinex, Exrates and others.


The team consists of experienced professional from both the public and the private sector. Lars Mapstead heads the team as the Chief Executive Officer. He is well vast in the industry.

Other members of the team include:

Aaron Mathis  -he is the Head of Development

Nicholas Dooley  -he is the Business Development

Manuel Gonzalez Garcia  -he is the Director of Marketing

Jeffson Wu  -he is the Blockchain Engineer

Pekka Larjovuori –he is the Blockchain Operations

Check the official homepage for the detailed profiles and the advisors of Bitcoin Interest (BCI)


Practical Uses of Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”)

  • Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) is an interest payment platform.
  • Bitcoin Interest (BCI) coins are traded in many cryptocurrency exchanges like Bitfinex, Emirates and others

Mining of Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”)

Bitcoin Interest (“BCI”) uses Enhanced Proof of Work(EPoW) to mine. Anytime a miner solves a computational puzzle, and a block is added to Bitcoin Interest network, a reward of 12.5 BCI coins is given, and that same block generates an additional 1BCI to be sent to the interest pool.

Notes for Investors

Bitcoin Interest (BCI) is a concept to fast track Bitcoin services, and they are riding Bitcoin back to rise cryptocurrency market steadily. When there’s a viable product, it tends to reflect in the market cap.

The current unit price of Bitcoin Interest (BCI)  is USD 1.96 USD (an increase of 6.93% ), the market capitalization is USD 35,917,408, and the circulating supply is 18,326,892 BCI. It’s ranked 193rd in the cryptocurrency market today.

These market statistics show a steady rise in Bitcoin Interest (BCI)’s unit price- 6.93%.

Disclaimer: This report is just the writer’s views and not intended as an endorsement to invest in Bitcoin Interest (BCI).Cryptocurrency market is risky and unpredictable. Seek advice and research very well before you invest.