Cryptocurrency Converter, Live Rates, Bitcoin To USD, ETH To USD and many others…
Cryptocurrency converter will help you convert different cryptocurrencies to each other, in a few easy steps. The converter is a good tool for when you want to buy or to sell some, or just need to know how much you hold in each crypto.
You first have to type the amount of cryptocurrency you’re interested in knowing the value of. By default, the value input in the field is set to 1. Keep in mind that the maximum nor minimum amount is not limited.
The next step is to select the type of currency you want to know the value of. The page is set by default to Bitcoin, or BTC. However, if you click on the field, you’ll see a seemingly endless list of currencies to choose from. You do have a few real world currencies also you can select, such as the British Pound Sterling (GPB) or the US Dollar (USD).
You’ll then have to select the type of coin to which you want to convert your money and just click “Convert”. The result will show in a few seconds.